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Learn more about Medicare Advantage and Medigap Supplemental Health Insurance

Seniors have several options when it comes to their health insurance, especially in regards to the special needs of seniors. The most widespread of these senior health insurance options is Medicare. Medicare is government-run healthcare for people ages 65 and older, as well as those with disabilities or people who meet other special needs. Medicare is split into several parts. Part A for hospital insurance, Part B for medical insurance, Part C for Medicare Advantage plans — which will be discussed separately in a moment — and finally, part D for prescription drug coverage.

There are several quirks to Medicare, such as gaps in coverage for Part A and Part B plans. This has led to the created of Medicare supplemental health insurance, also known as Medigap. These affordable health insurance plans, usually provided by private health insurance companies, strives to fill in the gaps in coverage from traditional Medicare, allowing patients to have uninterrupted health insurance coverage should they require medical attention or a hospital stay.

Medicare Advantage plans are similar to traditional Medicare plans, but are offered by private health insurance companies, and are required by law to offer more coverage than traditional Medicare plans. However, how they offer their coverage might be different than traditional Medicare plans, so while their coverage might be more extensive or continuous, it could be quite different than what you would find in a traditional Medicare plan.

As you can see, the choices available to seniors regarding their health insurance are numerous, but it doesn't have to be complicated. We're here to help educate you in sorting out the different plans and figuring out which are best for you. With informative articles, we hope you'll learn enough about Medicare in order to make an educated decision on your own health insurance needs.

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